Friday, July 24, 2009

My impression on "sugar" Operating System

Sugar is an operating system from X.O with off-line and online activities. Sugar I used for a small laptop (X.O) which looks like a children’s laptop worth $180 dollars U.S. The Organizations in developing countries plans to give these laptops out for every child as the OLPC (One laptop per child) project.

My first impression on Sugar was that it was pretty hard to find all the icons/buttons because it some of the functions were hidden. Some of the icons are hard to understand, but when explained to i got the hang of things. The games were enjoyable and entertaining and easy to play because of many different things such as puzzles, speeches, animations, memory games, free cell, python program and many more.

Overall it was a good operating system with unique functions and i look foward to working with sugar in the future.

1 comment:

  1. positive and thorough introduction, with your personal learning experience added in
